Lucia & Mohammed. Mobile Image

Lucia & Mohammed


Wedding date: 1st June 2024


Venue: Laverina, San Gimignano / Tuscany (private family villa)


Photographer: Zonzo Studio


Tell us about your experience at Morgan Davies Bridal: My journey looking for the dress had not been necessarily straightforward before I walked into the MG boutique nor was it the most relaxing. I was overwhelmed with the choice and had experienced serious decision paralysis throughout. I saw myself in so many dresses and kept being swayed by bridal stylists who encouraged most styles only to reach home and look at photos and feel like I had to start all over again. As I shared the journey across the six appointments I had had, Bouquet looked into my eyes (with discreet yet justified concern!) and said I will find my dress that day. And I did! No dress looked and felt on my body the way Jesus Peiro's dresses did. I had gone through them all, from the big names, to the niche names - but the fit and fabric, and in my specific case, the neckline, back as well as pockets spoke so much to me. There were a handful of JP dresses that I considered but this dress was eventually, without a shadow of a doubt, the one that was meant to be. I loved popping in for my appointments, felt looked after and deeply appreciate the family-run, discreet and considerate service throughout.


Tell us about your wedding!: We got married in Tuscany, at my husband's family's property outside of San Gimignano. A former copper mine lovingly restored into a holiday farmhouse made for hosting and contemplating, with ample outdoor space and stunning views, we knew from the moment we got engaged that the venue was sorted. Turning an off-road private property into a wedding venue for 100+ guests was not going to be the easiest ride but boy, did it pay off! As a Romanian-Iraqi couple with British and Canadian influence in an Italian setting, this was no typical wedding. We made it entirely our own, picking and mixing traditions and details that mean something to us. We played to the copper mine theme throughout, from stationery and table setting to favours and the brief was to embrace and celebrate the surrounding environment, staying classy and elegant whilst bringing special touches through decor and guests' experience. We got incredibly lucky with the weather to be able to fulfil my childhood dream of an outdoor, nature-loving wedding and dancing under the stars. The result feels very much us, with gratitude to exceptional suppliers who made the day a truly amazing experience for our guests, from food, lights, music and more. Our highlight? Dancing! My husband is, amongst many a great thing, a swing dancer and teacher and I had big shoes to follow for our first dance. I also had no idea how the dress would behave in our routine but I went with the flow and the movement couldn't have been more incredible. I felt dazzling, confident and incredibly comfortable throughout my wedding and for that, I am a proud Morgan Davies / Jesus Peiro bride, and last but not least, thankful to MG's recommended seamster, Paul, for the fitting of dreams which looked like it had been done just the morning of.

Florist: @stiatti_fiori_

Lights: @namida_elegantevents

Photo: @zonzo_ph

Catering: @deaparty

HMUA: @elenagentilemuah


Rings: @joule_project